Having trouble deciding? We’re here to help!
Are you exhausted trying to determine which audiovisual solution best fits the needs of your meeting space? The options available for conference room technology can seem endless and we understand it can feel burdensome trying to make your decision. Luckily for you, we are here to help make this process easier!
Our client’s needs vary room to room, so we focus on designing each meeting space to cater specifically to your needs and wants. We are here to help make this process simpler for you, whether your needs require a custom-built solution or one of our pre-designed JUMPSTART ROOMS. We have found that a majority of meeting spaces function best with either a room-based meeting (RBM) solution or a bring your own meeting (BYOM) solution. At this point, these acronyms may seem unfamiliar, so let me break them down for you!
So, what is a RBM Solution?
Room-based meeting (RBM) systems utilize an AV solution that serves as a meeting endpoint. These solutions provide maximum utility by allowing the user to simply sit down and start the meeting, no computer necessary. Regardless of which conferencing platform you use a RBM system makes it possible to easily launch your meeting with the touch of a button. One of our go to RBM solutions is a Poly X30 or X50 which provide users with state-of-the-art technology and a seamless meeting experience. A RBM solution provides a boardroom quality meeting in any space you need upfitted with AV technology. To simplify the process for you, we have designed THE MEET JUMPSTART ROOM which includes a full RBM system at an affordable monthly cost.
So, what is a BYOM Solution?
Bring your own meeting (BYOM) solutions enable users to host the meeting on their personal device such as a laptop or phone and broadcast it through the room’s video and audio system. This solution is flexible by allowing users to operate on virtually any conferencing platform, ideal for companies that have not standardized on a single platform. Some of our most common solutions for a BYOM room are the Poly Studio and the Biamp Devio with a Huddly IQ camera. With a BYOM solution your meeting space will go from a webcam style meeting to an executively tailored conference experience. To simplify the shopping process for your BYOM solution, we have designed THE SET JUMPSTART ROOM which includes a full BYOM system at an affordable monthly cost.
We understand the decision process can be overwhelming and add additional stress to your already demanding workday. Smarter Systems is here to guide you through step-by-step and ensure that you implement the absolute best AV solution for your team.
Interested in learning more about JUMPSTART ROOMS and their potential to be your meeting space? Click the button below to find out more!