You may know what you want in a conference room, but have you given thought to open space meetings? Providing a more breathable environment, open spaces are unique since they are defined by the lack of a conference room's conventional four walls, door, or meeting room furniture. Although non-traditional, open spaces take many forms - such as foyers, lounges, coffee areas, kitchens, or even cubicles.
Although subtracting key elements of a conference room, open spaces still have the ability to be integrated with various audio-video systems to provide your client or team flexibility and ambiance in the settings they meet in. Open spaces can not only provide a respite to the closed, private feeling of a conference room, but also win over first impressions from clients or collaborating parties. For more information on using the full potential of an open space, refer to our professional services to get started on the right installation and servicing for you.
Popular Components & Solutions

Digital Signage
Present content welcoming your guests into your front area, or provide directions.

Broadcast company announcements, turn on cable television or connect wirelessly for ad hoc meetings and presentations.

Sound System
A well balanced audio system streaming music that fits your company culture can turn an ordinary event into an experience.

Presentation Displays
Do your teams work in cubicles? Consider a presentation display on a mobile cart that workers can move to their area when needed.