I've never been one to mince words. Don't believe me, just ask my co-workers. I'm sure many of you can relate, as recently I've been "relocated" and have taken on additional duties. Now I'm not only the VP of Strategic and Global Accounts for Smarter Systems, but I'm a daycare teacher for a 3-year-old and teaching my 9-year-old Singapore math (say what??). Y'all this season is hard!
5 Things I've Learned while Working from Home
Last week I sent an update to some of my clients. It resonated. Why? (You sound like my 3-year-old) Because it was raw and real. We are all in this together and facing all the same challenges. It read a little something like this:
I wanted to let you know that we are still moving forward on projects at this time. We are taking all the necessary precautions for our team and our customers. Most of our office staff has moved to a work from home model. In light of the current situation, I thought I'd share some things I have learned over the last week:
1. I am NOT a stay at home/homeschool mom by any stretch of the words. This is uncharted territory for me, and I'm quickly learning how to manage a toddler and work. I compare it to brushing your teeth while eating Oreos.
2. The movie Frozen is straight from the Devil! The songs are horrible, and I dream about Letting it Go!
3. Having kids 6 years apart was not the best idea. It's like slowly ripping duct tape out of your hair. They have no idea how to play or entertain each other.
4. Naptime has been renamed Nappy Hour! (I'll let your imagination figure out what happens here).
5.I love my kids more than anything, but my patience has been tested as much as humanly possible...and it's only the beginning.
To adjust to this new (temporary) normal, I'm pulling out all the stops! Take a look at my tips to entertain your toddler here.
These activities have come in handy when I need to jump on a conference call and need some quiet time without using the TV.
13 Things I Do Every Day To Keep My Sanity
As we settle in for the long haul, I've found a groove. I've been working from home part-time for years now. But this is seemingly going to be a little more permanent, at least for the time being. I know it can be a culture shock, so I wanted to share the things I do every day (or at least try), so I can be the best version of myself:
- Get up every day at the same time, just as if you are going into the office.
- Get showered, dressed, and ready as if you are going to meet your boss at the front door any moment
- Put on makeup every day
- Put on your favorite earrings
- Organize your calendar with every detail, including lunch. Use your calendar!
- Make a start time and stop time for each day
- When stop time comes to put it all away, otherwise your work will never end
- Learn the power of NO. Just because you are home you are still the valuable asset to the company, you CAN NOT do it all, which means saying no to kids, friends, and neighbors who don't understand what work from home really means
- Remind yourself every day in some way how valuable you are to your job.
- Take small breaks to get some fresh air and sunshine. Take time on your calendar to exercise even if it's walking to the mailbox.
- Make sure your little camera is turned off before conference calls unless your boss makes you use it. (Pro tip)
- The mute button on conference calls is great, but you also are at home, and the reality is that if the dog barks, it's ok. When you are off mute, it shows your boss you are engaged.
- Hug those that you love today because tomorrow you could be back in the office. Embrace this new (temporary) normal and be grateful to be employed.
I have found that work-life balance makes me the best version of myself. This, too, shall pass. Cherish it!