Smarter Systems Blog

Returning to Work: Let's get ready to rumble...

Written by Lori Cook | Sep 29, 2020 3:22:33 PM

It is no secret that 2020 has been…. well let’s just say, a unique year. For most, we have reluctantly adjusted to our new, temporary work from home (school from home) model. And for us moms in the room we have been juggling all the things.

I recently read a New York Times article that shed light on the struggle of having children and a job during Covid-19. It has been so hard on families to buckle down, shelter in place and try to work, homeschool, etc. I’m not so sure that this hasn’t been the hardest challenge of my adult life so far. But here is the good news, things are looking up! Slowly but surely businesses are reopening and there is a glimmer of hope.



As this pandemic continues to make its way outta here, I thought I would share some ideas to help make your transition into the working world a little less stressful and safe based on ideas that have been shared by some of my top clients and colleagues.

  1. Use common sense. If you are feeling ill, stay home. Although everyone is on heightened alert due to Covid, other illnesses still exist. Flu season is just around the corner so using your best judgment will help protect your coworkers and clients in the long run. If we have learned anything from this pandemic it is that we CAN work from home!
  2. Wash, wait, wear! Wash your hands often. If you are like me, your hands are dry and chapped but that is better than the alternative. Maintain social distancing as best you can; limit congregating in common areas. Last but not least wear your mask…if you believe it helps. I choose to play it safe and wear my mask mainly to protect others in the event I have any germs to share. Plus, I’ve spent a small fortune on color coordinated masks, so you bet I’m going to show those babies off.
  3. Fresh air! Clients are telling me that since the weather is cooling down here in the south they are planning to open windows when possible to let the fresh air circulate. Sounds simple enough, huh?
  4. Touchless meetings. Say what? You mean another Zoom meeting?? Yep, that’s right. There are ways to make presentations and/or have video calls without touching the equipment in the room. One solution that has been saturating the market even before Covid is the Crestron Flex system. 
  5. Sanitize! Make sure you are wiping down your workspaces and meeting spaces regularly. Our partners at Crestron have been great to work with through this shift in our work habits. They published this article about cleaning your touchscreen devices that we have found helpful.

I’m not sure things will ever be the same. I’m not even sure I have experienced a handshake since March. Even as things change and shift, we will all find our new way. “When you can’t change the direction of the wind- adjust your sails” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.